Learn Mongolian FAQ: Everything you need to know when learning Mongolian

Frequently asked question on the topic of Mongolian
>Learning a new language is always exciting. Especially if a stay at the country of origin is in sight. But it also comes with a lot of questions. This FAQ aims to address the most common questions and help you make an informed decision.
Mongolian can be quite challenging language to master. That is mainly because English and Mongolian do not share the same script, only has a little overlap in vocabulary and uses sounds that are hardly or never used in the English language. However, learning witht he right tools from the beginning to learn pronounciation based on examples makes it even more rewarding once mastered.
The closest relatives of the Mongolic languages appear to be the para-Mongolic languages, which include the extinct Khitan, Tuyuhun, and possibly also Tuoba languages.
Mongolian is spoken by over 7 million people, not just in Mongolia, but also in some parts of China (Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region) and Russia (Buryatia and Kalmykia) as well.
Mongolia is generally considered a safe country for travelers, but like any destination, it has its risks and safety considerations. Keeping an eye on your belongings on croweded places can be advised. However, violent acts against foreigner are very rare.
It generally depends a lot on once own pace and capabilites. It is safe to say that any learning can be considered useful in order to get along with mongolians that do not speak any English. It can be said that it will take around 6 months of consistent learning in order to have a basic proficiency in Mongolian. Mongolians do appreciate visitors show respect for their customs and traditions. Learning a few basic phrases in Mongolian and understanding cultural norms can go a long way in building positive interactions and will not take as long.
Yes, Mongolia is generally considered to be foreigner-friendly. The country has a growing tourism industry and is known for its hospitality and welcoming attitude towards visitors. Mongolians appreciate when visitors show respect for their customs and traditions. Learning a few basic phrases in Mongolian and understanding cultural norms can go a long way in building positive interactions.
Mongolia has relatively straightforward visa policies for many nationalities, with visa-free entry for citizens of certain countries and an easy-to-navigate visa application process for others.